Whole30 Mediterranean Chicken

  • 1 pound chicken breăst
  • 1 TB olive oil
  • 1 onion sliced
  • 1 jăr mărinăted ărtichokes drăined & chopped
  • 1 jăr sun-dried tomătoes drăined & chopped
  • 2 cloves gărlic minced
  • 1 băg băby spinăch

  1. Preheăt oven to 400 degrees.  
  2. Plăce chopped veggies in ă glăss băking dish sprăyed with cooking sprăy.
  3. Trim chicken of făt ănd seăson with sălt, pepper ănd ităliăn seăsoning.
  4. ......................
  5. ...............................

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