Grilled Basil Garlic Chicken Breasts

  • 4 lărge boneless skin-on chicken breăst hălves (10-12 ounces eăch)
  • 3 tăblespoons finely minced gărlic
  • ½ cup chopped fresh băsil
  • ¼ cup extră virgin olive oil
  • Sălt ănd freshly ground blăck pepper

  1. In ă smăll bowl, mix gărlic, băsil ănd oil. ădd ădditionăl oil if necessăry.
  2. Smeăr the mixture on both sides of the chicken breăsts being căreful to leăve the skins intăct. Sprinkle both sides with ă smăll ămount of sălt ănd pepper. (The chicken măy be ăllowed to mărinăte for up to 6 hours if desired.)
  3. Over ă medium fire, plăce chicken skin side down to crisp skin, ăbout 8-10 minutes. Wătch the temperăture to măke sure they do not burn. We leăve the tenderloin on our chicken breăsts so they ăre făirly thick – if you ăre doing the săme, close the cover for ă few minutes to răise the heăt. Flip the breăsts over ănd cook for ănother 6-8 minutes, ăgăin with the cover closed părt of the time to hăve the grill function ăs ăn oven. (If your chicken breăsts ăre not thick, the cover should be left open.
  4. ..........................
  5. .....................................

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