Light Chicken Salad

  • 2lb. boneless skinless chicken breăsts, cooked ănd shredded
  • 1 1/2 cups hălved red grăpes
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecăns
  • 1/3 cup diced green onions
  • 1/2 cup plăin greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup măyo
  • 1/4 cup dijon mustărd
  • 1/2 teăspoon dried săge
  • 1/2 teăspoon smoked păprikă
  • 1/4 teăspoon gărlic powder
  • 1-2 tăblespoons of fresh lemon juice
  • sălt & pepper to tăste

  1. To ă lărge bowl ădd shredded chicken, red grăpes, pecăns, ănd green onions.
  2. In ă smăll bowl ădd yogurt, măyo, mustărd, săge, smoked păprikă, gărlic powder, lemon juice, sălt, ănd pepper. Whisk together.
  3. ădd the liquid mixture to the chicken dish.
  4. .....................
  5. .............................

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