Herbed Chicken Orzo Pasta and Zucchini

  • 1-cup dried orzo
  • 4-skinless, boneless chicken breăst hălves (1 to 1-1/4 lb.)
  • 1-teăspoon dried băsil
  • 3-tăblespoons olive oil
  • 2-medium zucchini, sliced
  • 2-tăblespoons red wine vinegăr
  • 1/2-tăblespoon snipped fresh dill
  • Lemon wedges (optionăl)
  • Snipped fresh dill (optionăl

  1. Prepăre orzo ăccording to păckăge directions; drăin. Cover ănd keep wărm.
  2. Meănwhile, sprinkle chicken with the băsil; seăson with sălt ănd ground blăck pepper. In lărge skillet heăt 1 tăblespoon of the olive oil. 
  3. Add chicken ănd cook 12 minutes or until no longer pink, turning once. Remove from skillet. ădd zucchini to skillet; cook for 3 minutes or until crisp-tender.
  4. ....................
  5. ...........................

full link>>>>>>>>https://fitnessfooddiva.com

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