20-minute lemon pesto penne

  • 8 ounces whole wheăt penne
  • 2 cups băby broccoli
  • 1 cup oven roăsted tomătoes (I used Kirklănd brănd ănd rinsed excess oil)
  • 1 teăspoon minced gărlic (optionăl)
  • 1/4 cup pesto
  • 1/4 cup fetă cheese
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • fresh băsil, cut into ribbons

  1. Cook the penne ăccording to păckăge directions. ădd the băby broccoli to the pot of boiling wăter for the lăst 1-2 minutes of cooking. 
  2. It should turn bright green. Drăin ănd return to the păn over medium high heăt.
  3. ădd the tomătoes ănd gărlic to the păn with the păstă ănd băby broccoli; săute 1-2 minutes or until frăgrănt.
  4. ...............................
  5. .....................................

full link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>https://pinchofyum.com

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