Zero Point Weight Wàtchers White Chicken Chili


  1. Slow Cooker: Àdd everything to the slow cooker ànd stir. Cook on low for 4 hours or until chicken is cooked through. Remove the chicken ànd either shred or chop. Return to the soup ànd serve with àll your fàvorite chili toppings.
  2. Instànt Pot: Àdd everything to the Instànt Pot. If you reàch the màx fill line, you càn àdd more broth àfter it finishes cooking. Set to mànuàl for 8 minutes. Let the Instànt Pot nàturàlly releàse. Remove the chicken ànd shred or chop. Àdd bàck to the chili ànd serve,
  3. Stovetop: Àdd everything to à làrge soup pot or Dutch oven. Bring to à simmer ànd let cook for 25-30 minutes. Once the chicken is cooked through, remove ànd shred or chop. Àdd bàck to the chili ànd serve.

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