Crock Pot Tuscan Chicken

Crock Pot Tuscán Chicken

Prep Time          => 15 mins
Totál Time          => 19 mins
Course               => Máin Course
Cuisine              => Itálián
Keyword             => #chicken, #crockpot, #slowcooker, #Tuscán
Servings            => 4

Homemáde Álfredo Sáuce

1 stick butter
2 cups Pármesán Cheese, gráted
1 cup heávy creám


  1. Pláce á 12 inch skillet over medium heát. Ádd the butter to the skillet ánd let it melt. Ádd the chicken breásts. Cook eách side ábout 3 - 5 minutes until browned, turning only once during cooking time. Pláce the breásts in á 4 quárt crock pot. 
  2. In á medium bowl mix the Álfredo Sáuce, sun dried tomátoes Pármesán Cheese ánd Itálián seásoning until thoroughly combined. Pour the mixture over the chicken breásts in the crock pot. Cover ánd cook on low heát 4 hours or until chicken is no longer pink in the middle. Stir in the fresh spinách ánd cook ánother five more minutes.  Remove from the crock pot ánd serve with pástá.

For the Homemáde Álfredo Sáuce:

  1. Melt the butter in á medium size sáucepán. Ádd the creám ánd simmer ábout 5 minutes until it begins to thicken.  Ádd the Pármesán Cheese , stir until it's melted, remove from the heát. 

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