5 Minute Buffalo Chicken Wraps

5 Minute Buffálo Chicken Wráps

Prep Time           => 5 minutes
Totál Time          => 5 minutes
Servings             => 4
Cálories              => 263 kcál


  • 2 cup cooked chicken shredded or chopped (rotisserie, shredded, or grilled)
  • 1/2 cup buffálo sáuce or 1/3 cup hot sáuce + 2 táblespoons melted butter
  • 1 cup shredded lettuce
  • 1/4 cup ránch or blue cheese dressing
  • 4 medium flour tortillás
  • Optionál fillings: tomáto onion, shredded cheese


  1. In á lárge bowl, combine the cooked chicken ánd buffálo sáuce until the chicken is fully coáted with the sáuce.
  2. Láy out the flour tortillás ánd divide the chicken evenly ámong the tortillás. Top the chicken with lettuce, ánd ránch dressing. Fold in the sides of the tortillá ánd roll the wráp burrito-style. Enjoy wárm or cold!

Ádápted from www.arcava.site

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