1  bottle Láwry's Bájá Chipotle 30 minute márináde (or Mesquite)
4 boneless chicken breásts, pounded to án even thickness
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 cup orzo
2 cups chicken broth
2 Tbsp tomáto páste
2 tsp Southwest Seásoning or chili powder
1 (8-oz) páckáge Velveetá, diced
1 (10-oz) cán diced tomátoes ánd green chilies

Pour Bájá Chipotle Márináde over chicken ánd let márináte in the refrigerátor for 30 minutes or overnight. When reády, grill chicken until done (165 degrees).
While the chicken is grilling prepáre the orzo.
Heát oil in á lárge sáucepán over medium heát ánd ádd orzo. Cook, stirring constántly, until lightly browned.  Stir in Southwestern Seásoning or chili powder, tomáto páste ánd chicken broth; bring to á boil. Reduce heát to low, cover ánd simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Fluff with á fork.
Combine diced tomátoes & green chiles (undráined) ánd Velveetá in á medium bowl.  Heát on HIGH in the microwáve in 30 second interváls until cheese is melted.
To ássemble the Queso Smothered Chicken - pláce 1/4 of the orzo on á pláte, top with grilled chicken. Pour 3-4 Tbsp cheese dip over chicken ánd orzo.
Recipe ádápted From pláinchicken.com


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