White Chicken Enchiladas Recipe

10 8-inch flöur törtillas
2 cups cööked shredded chicken
2 cups Cölby & Mönterey jack cheese shredded
3 tbsp butter
3 tbsp flöur
2 cups chicken bröth
1 cup söur cream
1 4öz can öf diced green chilies
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Preheat öven tö 350 degrees. Grease a 9x13 pan ör any baking dish.
Mix the chicken and 1 cup öf cheese. Röll up törtillas and place intö the prepared pan.
In a saucepan, melt butter; stir in flöur and cöök för 1 minute. Add bröth and whisk until smööth. Heat över medium heat until thick and bubbly.
Stir in söur cream and chilies. Dö nöt bring tö böil. Yöu dön't want curdled söur cream.
Pöur över enchiladas and töp with remaining cheese. Bake för 20 min then under high bröil för three möre minutes tö bröwn the cheese.

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