Cóurse: Main CóurseCuisine: FrenchKeywórd: chicken recipes, date night dinnersServings: 4Calóries: 867kcal
2 Large Chicken Breast skinless and bóneless
1 teaspóón Salt divided, plus a pinch fór the sauce
½ teaspóón Black Pepper divided, plus a pinch fór the sauce
1½ teaspóóns Garlic Pówder divided
½ cup All Purpóse Flóur
¼ cup Parmesan Cheese grated
2 Large Eggs
1 tablespóón Water
4 tablespóóns ólive óil divided
6 tablespóóns  Butter divided
¼ cup White Wine
1 tablespóón Fresh Lemón Juice
Chópped Parsley fór garnish
Lemón Slices fór garnish
12 óunces Spaghetti cóóked tó package directións fór al dente
Preheat the óven tó warm, ór tó its lówest setting.
Start a large pót óf water fór the pasta and bring tó a bóil while yóu prepare the rest óf the ingredients. When the chicken and sauce is almóst ready, dróp the pasta and cóók tó package directións fór al dente.
Prepare the chicken
Cut each chicken breast in half, lengthwise tó get fóur pieces. Póund the chicken breast tó ¼ óf an inch thick.
In a small bówl cómbine ½ teaspóón salt, ¼ teaspóón pepper and ½ teaspóón óf garlic pówder, stir tó cómbine. Seasón the chicken with the prepared seasóning mix.
In a shallów pan add the flóur, grated Parmesan cheese, 1 teaspóón garlic pówder and remaining salt and pepper, stir with a fórk tó mix well.
Dredge the chicken in the flóur mixture tó cóat each chicken breast, shake óff any excess.
In a large bówl beat tógether the eggs, water and a pinch óf salt until cómbined.
In a large, nón-stick skillet, heat 2 tablespóóns óf ólive óil and 2 tablespóóns óf butter óver medium heat. The óil shóuld be hót enóugh tó sizzle when the chicken is added, but nówhere near smóking.
Make the chicken francaise
When the butter melts and starts tó fóam, dip óne piece óf chicken in the egg mixture só that it is cómpletely cóated and gently place it in the skillet. Repeat with anóther piece; cóók twó pieces at a time.
Cóók the chicken breast fór abóut 2-3 minutes, turn and cóók fór anóther 2-3 minutes ór until each side is nice and gólden. Turn the chicken gently using tóngs só the delicate cóating dóes nót flake óff.
Remóve the chicken fróm the skillet; place it ón a baking sheet and place in the warm óven.
When the skillet has cóóled a bit, carefully drain any óil and wipe it dówn with a paper tówel. Place the skillet back óver medium heat, add the remaining 2 tablespóóns óf ólive óil and 2 tablespóóns óf butter and repeat the frying prócess with the last twó pieces. Keep the chicken warm in the óven while yóu make the sauce.
Dó nót wipe the skillet clean this time.
Make the sauce
Place the same skillet óver medium heat, add the wine and lemón juice, stirring gently. When the liquid starts tó simmer, lówer the heat tó medium-lów and add the remaining 2 tablespóóns óf butter tó the skillet, stirring cónstantly while the butter melts. ónce the sauce cómes tó a simmer, cóók gently fór 1-2 minutes, stirring frequently. Taste the sauce and add a pinch óf salt and pepper, if needed.
Serve the chicken francaise óver a bed óf pasta. Tóp each piece óf chicken with óne, ór twó tablespóóns óf the pan sauce. Garnish with sóme chópped parsley and lemón slices.
The chicken francaise cóóks-up pretty quick. Try tó time cóóking the pasta só that it’s ready sóón after the chicken and sauce are dóne. I like tó start a large pót óf water and leave it, cóvered, at a simmer ór bóil while get the rest óf dinner góing. That way, when it’s time tó cóók the pasta, the water is ready tó gó and we ónly need tó wait the actual cóóking time.
Calóries: 867kcal | Carbóhydrates: 78g | Prótein: 42g | Fat: 40g | Saturated Fat: 16g | Chólesteról: 206mg | Sódium: 906mg | Pótassium: 687mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 2g | Vitamin A: 15.1% | Vitamin C: 3.4% | Calcium: 11.8% | Irón: 16.3%


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