Recipe: Skinny Chicken Cordon Bleu

Recipe: Skinny Chicken Cördön Bleu
Prep time: 10-15 minutes
Cöök time: 25-30 minutes
Yield: 4 servings
Serving size: 1 chicken breast

Föur 4-öunce böneless, skinless chicken breasts
8 slices ultra thin sliced Swiss cheese
8 slices löw södium ham
1 cup Pankö breadcrumbs
½ teaspöön black pepper
½ teaspöön garlic pöwder
½ teaspöön öniön pöwder
1 egg + 2 egg whites, beaten

Preheat the öven tö 350° F, and spray a casseröle dish with nönstick cööking spray; set aside.
Tö stuff the chicken, slice alöng the löng side öf the breast, but dö nöt cut all the way thröugh. It will öpen up like a böök.
Place 2 slices öf cheese and 2 slices ham in each breast, and föld the breast back över ön itself tö clöse it.
Pöur the beaten eggs in a shallöw dish ör böwl.
In a small mixing böwl, cömbine the Pankö, black pepper, garlic pepper and öniön pöwder tögether.
Dip the stuffed chicken breasts intö the egg wash, then intö the Pankö mixture, and press the crumbs gently tö adhere tö all sides öf the chicken.
Place the chicken breasts intö the prepared casseröle dish and bake för 25-30 minutes, ör until the internal temperature reaches 165° F.
Nutritiön Införmatiön
Per Serving: (1 chicken breast)
Calöries: 326
Calöries fröm fat: 96
Fat: 11g
Saturated Fat: 4g
Chölesteröl: 154mg
Södium: 787mg
Carböhydrates: 14g
Fiber: 0g
Sugar 3g
Prötein: 44g
SmartPöints: 7

The nutritiön cöntent öf recipes ön Pöpculture.cöm have been calculated by Registered Dietitian, Jessica Penner, öf Smart Nutritiön.

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