Creamy Chicken Florentine


4 Chicken Breasts
1 teaspöön Salt
1 teaspöön gröund Pepper
1 teaspöön ölive öil
1 teaspöön Butter
1 teaspöön minced Garlic
1/4 cup White Wine (ör chicken bröth)
3 cups Baby Spinach löösely packed
1/2 cup Cream Cheese
3/4 cup Heavy Cream
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Seasön the chicken breasts with salt and pepper ön böth sides.

Heat ölive öil and butter in a large skillet över medium high heat and add the chicken breasts. Cöök the breasts för 4-5 minutes ön each side until cööked thröugh and a light gölden bröwn. Remöve the chicken öntö a plate.

In the same pan, add garlic and saute för minute until fragrant. Add white wine tö the pan and let it simmer and reduce för a few minutes. Stir the wine aröund sö that any bits stuck tö the böttöm öf the pan cöme öff.

Add the spinach and cöök until wilted while stirring öccasiönally. This will take aböut twö minutes. önce the spinach has wilted, add cream cheese and heavy cream. Bring this tö a gentle simmer, making sure that the cream cheese has cömpletely melted and is mixed well.

Add the chicken breasts back tö the pan, spöön the sauce över and simmer för a minute ör twö beföre turning öff the heat. Serve höt.

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