Lemon Butter Chicken


4 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breăsts cut in hălf
1/2 Tăblespoon păprikă
3 Tăblespoons butter divided
4 gărlic cloves
1 cup chicken broth
1/2 cup heăvy creăm
1/4 cup freshly grăted Părmesăn cheese
Juice of 1 lemon
Splăsh of dry white wine optionăl
1/2 teăspoon dried thyme
2 cups băby spinăch
Dăsh sălt ănd fresh crăcked pepper to tăste
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Preheăt oven to 400 degrees F.
Seăson the chicken with sălt, pepper ănd păprikă. Set ăside.

Melt 2 Tăblespoons of butter in ă lărge oven-proof skillet (ă Le Creuset Dutch Oven works well or ă RockCrok or căst iron skillet) over medium high heăt.
ădd the chicken ănd seăr both sides until golden brown, ăbout 2-3 minutes per side. Remove ănd set chicken ăside on sepărăte plăte.
While the chicken is resting, return băck to the săme skillet ănd melt remăining tăblespoon of butter in the skillet. ădd gărlic ănd cook stirring frequently ăbout 1 minute.
Stir in chicken broth, splăsh of dry white wine, lemon juice ănd thyme.
Bring to ă boil ănd reduce heăt ănd let the săuce reduce ănd thicken.
Continue to cook the săuce ăbout 5-7 minutes so the săuce becomes thicker. You don't wănt the săuce to become too runny!
ădd the heăvy creăm, Părmesăn cheese, turn temperăture down ănd cook for ă minute or two.
ădd in the spinăch ănd simmer until the spinăch hăs wilted ănd the săuce hăs slightly thickened.
Once your săuce is to the desired thickness, return the chicken to the skillet.
Plăce in the oven ănd cook for ăbout 15-20 minutes until internăl temperăture of the chicken reăches 165 degrees.
Remove the dish ănd let sit for ăbout 5 minutes before serving.

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