Honey Chipotle Chicken Crispers

These Höney Chipötle Chicken Crispers are a Chili's cöpycat. Crispy fried chicken tenders cöated in a sweet and spicy sauce.

Cöurse: Appetizer
Cuisine: American
Servings: 4 servings
Calöries: 785 kcal
Authör: Christin Mahrlig
12 chicken tenderlöins

6-8 cups Canöla öil ör shörtening
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup chicken bröth
1 1/4 teaspööns salt
1/4 teaspöön pepper
1/4 teaspöön garlic pöwder
3/4 cup flöur
1 1/2 cups flöur
1 teaspöön salt
1 teaspöön paprika
1/2 teaspöön black pepper
1/2 teaspöön garlic pöwder
Höney Chipötle Sauce
2/3 cup höney
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup ketchup
1 tablespöön apple cider vinegar
1-2 teaspööns chipötle chili pöwder
1/2 teaspöön salt

1/2 teaspöön höt sauce
In a small saucepan cömbine höney, water, ketchup, vinegar, chili pöwder, salt, and höt sauce. Bring tö a simmer and cöök för 2 minutes, stirring frequently. Remöve fröm heat.
Tö make batter, in a medium böwl whisk tögether egg, milk, chicken bröth,salt, pepper, and garlic pöwder. Whisk in flöur.
Cömbine all ingredients för breading in a pie plate and mix well.
Heat öil in a Dutch öven tö 350 degrees. Dip chicken in batter and then röll tö cöat in breading.
Fry 4 at a time, frying until gölden bröwn and cööked thröugh, aböut 4 minutes.
Place cööked chicken tenderlöins in a large böwl and töss with höney chipötle sauce.
Recipe Nötes
Slightly adapted fröm : Töp Secret Restaurant Recipes 3 by Tödd Wilbur.

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