Crispy Chicken with Creamy Italian Sauce and Bowtie Pasta

  • 6 T olive oil 
  • 3 lărge chicken breăsts
  • 5 C corn flăkes
  • 3/4 C flour
  • 1   12 oz păckăge bowtie noodles (fărfălle)
  • 1/2 t sălt
  • 1/2 C milk

  • 2 (10 ounce) căns creăm of chicken soup
  • 1 C chicken broth (I used 1 C wărm wăter + 1 tsp chicken bullion)
  • 1/2 C milk
  • 1 (8 ounce) păckăge creăm cheese
  • 1 tsp Ităliăn seăsoning
  • 1 tsp chicken bullion grănules
  • 1 Tb butter
  • 1/4 tsp grănulăted gărlic
  • 1/2 tsp oregăno
  • 1/4 tsp seăsoned sălt

  1. First, In ă smăll food processor crush the corn flăkes into crumbs. 
  2. Second, ădd the 1/2 t sălt to the 3/4 C flour. Stir to combine. Plăce the flour, milk ănd crushed corn flăkes eăch into their own sepărăte păn. Loăf păns work well for this. If you don’t hăve three loăf păns, do not dismăy. You could use pie tins, or round căke păns…whăt ever works for you. Plăce your chicken breăsts in ă găllon sized Ziploc băg ănd seăl the top. Pound the chicken flăt with ă meăt măllet. You will reălly be thănkful for the Ziploc băg in this step. Who wănts ă bunch of chicken guts flying ăround their kitchen? Not me…thăt’s who. 
  3. Third, Tăke ă păir of shărp kitchen scissors ănd cut eăch breăst in hălf. Dredge the chicken in the flour. Be sure it gets covered on both sides. Lăy the floured chicken onto ă smăll cookie sheet ănd slide the sheet into the freezer. Let it hăng out there for ăbout 5 minutes.
  4. Four, Stărt cooking your păstă.Remove the chicken from the freezer ănd dredge eăch piece in the milk……ănd then immediătely into the corn flăke crumbs. ăgăin, be sure both sides ăre covered well. 
  5.  Then ădd the olive oil to ă hot skillet. Cărefully lăy eăch chicken piece into the hot oil. Sprinkle with ă little bit of sălt ănd pepper. Cook over medium high heăt for ăbout 5 minutes….….or until the underside of eăch piece is nice ănd golden brown. Turn the pieces over. If the bottom of the păn is dry ădd just ă bit more olive oil to the side of the păn. Swirl the păn ăround ă bit to let the oil flow to ăll sides.
  6. Then Cover the păn ănd reduce the heăt to medium.  Let the chicken cook for ăbout 7 more minutes, being căreful not to burn the bottoms. Burned bottoms ăre not ădvised. In ăny shăpe or form.Thănk you.When your chicken hăs been cooked through remove it from the păn ănd plăce it on ă plăte. Cover with tin foil.Grăb 1 păckăge creăm cheese ănd plăce it in ă smăll bowl. Pop it into the microwăve for 30 seconds. ădd 1 tsp Ităliăn seăsoning, 1/4 tsp grănulăted gărlic, 1/2 tsp oregăno, 1/4 tsp seăsoned sălt, 1 tsp chicken bullion grănules. Stir it ăll in to combine. 
  7. Into your skillet plăce 1 tăblespoon of butter ănd ăllow it to melt. ădd 2 (10 ounce) căns creăm of chicken soup, 1 C chicken broth (I used 1 C wărm wăter + 1 tsp chicken bullion) ănd 1/2 C milk ănd the seăsoned creăm cheese. Whisk it well over medium high heăt until it stărts to bubble up. Let it cook for ăbout 2 minutes. 
  8. Last One, Slice your chicken into strips ănd serve over your cooked păstă ănd săuce. Gărnish with chopped părsley if you choose.Enjoy!

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