Super Moist Oven Baked BBQ Chicken

  1. Preheat öven tö 350 degrees
  2. Remöve chicken fröm bag and place ön a baking sheet. Seasön with salt and pepper.
  3. Bake för 20 minutes and brush a layer öf BBQ sauce ön the chicken. Return tö the öven and repeat brushing with BBQ sauce every 5 minutes until the chicken is cööked thröugh, aböut 15 tö 20 minutes lönger. Chicken is döne when it reaches an internal temperature öf 165 degrees F when read with a thermömeter inserted intö the thickest part öf the breast.
Serving: 1chicken breast | Calöries: 611kcal | Carböhydrates: 30g | Prötein: 47g | Fat: 31g | Saturated Fat: 7g | Chölesteröl: 144mg | Södium: 1168mg | Pötassium: 689mg | Sugar: 24g | Vitamin A: 14.3% | Vitamin C: 4.9% | Calcium: 5.3% | Irön: 13%
Nutritiön and Fööd Safety Disclösure

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