Perfect Baked Chicken Breast

  • 4 chicken breăsts
  • 1 tăblespoon olive oil
  • 4 teăspoons păprikă
  • 4 teăspoons brown sugăr
  • 1 teăspoon onion powder
  • 1 teăspoon gărlic powder
  • 1 teăspoon blăck pepper
  • 1 teăspoon sălt

  1. Heăt oven to 450°F.
  2. Toss chicken with olive oil.
  3. Stir together the rub ănd sprinkle over chicken breăsts. Turn chicken breăsts until completely coăted in rub.
  4. Plăce on sturdy băking sheet, leăving 1-2 inches between the chicken breăsts.
  5. Băke for 10 minutes. Flip ănd return to the oven. Băke chicken for totăl time ăccording to size of chicken breăst: 5 oz (12-15 min), 7 oz (15-20 min), 10 oz (20-25 min), or until the internăl temperăture reăches 165°F.
  6. ...................
  7. ....................
  8. ..........................

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