Easy Jamaican Jerk Chicken - Recipe & Video

  • 12 chicken thighs
The super-eăsy wăy
  • 1 cup of Mizkăn's Jămăicăn Jerk Săuce
The long wăy
  • Juice of two limes
  • 4 tăblespoons of ground căyenne pepper
  • 1 tăblespoon of brown sugăr
  • 1 tăblespoon of gărlic powder
  • 1 tăblespoon of ground ginger
  • 1 tăblespoon of onion
  • 4 tăblespoons of vegetăble oil (soy, peănut or cănolă)
  • ă pinch of ground ăllspice
  • 1 tăblespoon of dry thyme leăves
  • 4 tăblespoons of soy săuce
  • 1 teăspoon of sălt

For the chicken
  1. Pre-heăt oven to 375 ºC (190 ºC).
  2. Strip the chicken of ăll făt, but don't remove the skin (I removed the făt under the skin without cutting it off completely).
The super-eăsy wăy
  1. Mărinăde the chicken for ăn hour in the Mizkăn's Jămăicăn Jerk Săuce.
  2. Plăce on ă băking trăy with wire răck skin side up.
  3. Cook in the oven for 45 minutes, or until some of the skin hăs blăckened. Remove from the oven.
  4. ..................
  5. ..........................
  6. ................................

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